INDIA...from a different angle
Well, people...this is something i've always been thinkin of writin about, but never happened....guess its time here it goes...
This is about our very own country, INDIA. No doubt being Indians we do expect more often to listen good and less of not so good about it. But, I guess when it comes to recalling the facts, thats what it is, be it good or bad...and as this is my blog, its obvious that what I put here if solely my personal perception, without any sort of influence or pressure. And any response would be appreciated and welcomed. No offence intended :)
Lets begin with the good ones...
The most striking fact about our country these days is that its one of the very few economies, which has bravely faced the financial turmoil and when other developed nations like the US and UK have suffered badly, India has managed to pull it off very well. Well, the numbers speak for themselves. Some links to make you feel proud :)
Some excerpt from the net...
'When Goldman Sachs speaks, Wall Street listens – this axiom has held true for quite a few years. However, the investment bank's expertise is not limited to financial institutions alone, but encapsulates national and global economies as well. Hence, when the latest report from the exalted institution says that incomes in India will likely be close to the global average by 2030, it surely is time to smile.
A simple way to see this is to look at the list of the seven largest economies (the 'true G7') in 1960, 2007 and 2050. In 1960, the largest economies were all essentially ''developed'' countries from the higher income groups. By 2007, that has already clearly begun to change, with China in the top seven and Brazil, India and Russia not far behind.
In 2050, India would have the 3rd rank on the top seven nations list with an income ranking of 61.' source:
'If you are a Chinese or an Indian putting up in the UK, you have a reason to cheer. For Britain is looking up to your native land to pull the country out of recession.
On hand information suggests Prime Minister Gordon Brown is actually looking up to India and China to emerge from recession. Brown has called for Britain to be more outward facing; and has sought stronger commercial links with the two countries to beat the meltdown blues.' source:
Well, believe it or not, the developed nations, suffering from the recession, are now very open to learn from the countries like India and China, which have withstood the storms of recession.
Also, it is really appreciable that in spite of so many complications within itself, our country has done its best and made us proud.
Now, not the very good ones...
Even though we are hearing these days about India becoming a super-power in near future, can we assure other facts of Standard of living, Quality of life, Social harmony, etc. Is becoming a super-power, without having these things in place, good enough???
Its understandable that it is very difficult to maintain decorum amongst so many diverse cultures, thinkings, languages, etc. But if we want to feel really proud of our country, we need to seriously look into taking control over these issues as well. I mean, its not that we do not have money, its just that its not ending up in the right hands......this is Corruption !!!
Talking of cleanliness, people in our country just do not take themselves responsible for the dirt that they spread in places. Its not that the government has not imposed rules to take care of this, but they are just not adhered to. One of the most famous statements is 'Yahaan thookna mana hai' (Do not spit) where some mischievous brats wipe out the 'mana' and make the statement read as 'Yahaan thookna hai' (Spit here) :)
Even today, we have more than 1 lakh villages without electricity and our politicians spend 1200 crore of rupees on statues, without a justification, and walk free. On one hand we talk of Indians being the theme for success stories around the globe whereas we also have people who are so desperate to create an awareness of their religion at the cost of adversely affecting the life, property and economy.
A proposed solution...
We need to be in a position to ask our politicians the reason for their unjustifiable actions. We need to be more considerate and obedient of the rules imposed by the government and realise the fact that they are in place for our own good. Many think that, 'It can't be just me who can change the world', when the fact is that if they start taking individual responsibility and behave appropriately, it does and will make a lot of difference which will definitely show once their percentage increases.
So, my friends, I take this opportunity through this blog and make a humble request to start taking things a bit more seriously and try to do out bit towards making this country an inspiration for the world, not only for the economical reasons, but also otherwise. I do agree, there are groups and organisations set up by the government to improve things, but it is just not possible to improve without our individual support. So, always have a positive attitude and believe in the fact that you can make a difference in making this a better country to live in and starting working towards it. Your time start NOW !!!
WOW...wat a blog i think i have started liking your blogs dude. I really do agree with your views, specially about cleanliness and standard of living. I guess we have started taking this things seriously coz we are staying away from our country and abiding the cleanliness rules of another country. Like another countries if india also starts imposing fines without our Govt. taking bribe that means actual fines then people might get serious abt this issue. Btw some words of urs go over my head(my bad english u c :D) and there is one para which u have repeated woh Goldman Waala ;) Keep Going i wud like to see more Cheers!!
Thanks for your comments Andy...helps me write even more and better...
P.S: Repeated para deleted, thanks :)